15 Jul 2018

Imagine landing on a mysterious and unexplored planet. How will its surface look like? If we walked on it, will it be hard as stone, cold as ice, or soft and jelly like jam?
We will create fantastic space surfaces using layers and layers of different materials and colors.

11 AM – 12 PM
Children accompanied by parents will be able to play, read, watch films and work together in the Accademia.
Age: 0-99
Duration: 60 minutes
Max. number of participants: 10 children accompanied by 1 adult each
Booking essential

Children will experiment with different techniques and materials related to the program with the help of the Accademia’s educators.
Age: 4-10
Duration: 75 minutes
Participants: max. 15
Booking essential

Children will experiment with different techniques and materials related to the program with the help of the Accademia’s educators.
Age: 4-10
Duration: 75 minutes
Participants: max. 15
Booking essential