Photo Stefano Guindani
14 Mar 2006

The international conference—organized by Fondazione Prada and the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, together with the University of Tokyo’s Center for Philosophy—focuses on different points of view between East and West on important philosophical issues. Italian and Japanese philosophers discuss 20th-century experiences in the Western and Eastern cultures, using them to define new horizons for future philosophies.

Through the presentation of ideas promulgated by three of the leading Japanese philosophers of the 1900s (Kitaro Nishida, Tenshin Okakura and Shuzo Kuki) and those of European philosophers (Nicola Cusano and others), the panel discussions focus on key issues in philosophy such as the endeavor to understand the relationships between I and thou, being and nothingness, and life and beauty. Contributors to the Symposium are Massimo Cacciari, Germano Celant, Roberta De Monticelli, Marcello Ghilardi, Yasuo Kobayashi, Mariko Muramatsu, Takahiro Nakajima, Giangiorgio Pasqualotto, Megumi Sakabe and Yasunari Takada.

Venue of the conference: Fondazione Prada, via Fogazzaro 36, Milan